Developing a Black Belt Attitude: Leadership

Leadership is an opportunity to serve. It is not a trumpet call to self importance  J. Donald Walters

Each week here at WestStar Martial Arts Perth we discuss a Black Belt Attitude topic with the kids in our Warrior Talk. This week will be on Leadership. Please pass this on to as many people as you can.

Developing a Black Belt Attitude: LEADERSHIP

  • Leadership is the ability to motivate and move people in a positive direction. A good leader leads by example totally committed to the cause.
  • If we can affect just one person in a positive way we have shown leadership to some degree.
  • A leader is driven by values like honour, courage, honesty, service, self control, and kindness. It’s a lot to remember and a lot to do – but a good leader is the one who keeps trying.
  • To make it simple for the kids, leadership is about setting a good example in everything they do. If we break it down for them we can use the example of them behaving well and others observing and following. This is a form of leadership. Using this as a basis we could also point out that leaders can come from unlikely places – for example in the dojo – the leaders amongst the kids don’t necessarily have to be the most senior students. Even the newer students can set good examples of leadership.
  • Being a leader is a tough role. You have to offer guidance and direction. People look up to you, listen to you, admire you and rely on you, and you have to be up to the task and lead by example. A leader is someone who is not afraid to take charge of a task and do it to the best of his ability. It doesn’t have to be a huge thing for kids, they can be told that bowing at the door before entering the dojo is showing leadership skills or lining up by belt colour and making sure everyone follows and does the same thing or sitting patiently and waiting for your turn quietly is being a leader.
  • Leadership is about always acting in a way that is consistent with what you believe to be right and true, with the understanding that how you behave has an effect on others around you. It is about setting a good example and treating others as you wish them to treat you.
  • Leadership is the ability to give guidance to others. It is being able to give direction to people who look for help or advice.
  • Leadership is doing the right thing and setting a good example for everyone around you.
  • You can show leadership in every aspect of your life, self control, manners, the sporting arena, your family and friends at work and at school.
  • Being a leader is about stepping up to the mark and taking control – firstly of yourself then leading by good example.
  • Leadership is also about making what may not always be the most popular decision and not giving in to peer pressure just to be cool and fitting in. It’s about making tough choices and sticking to them.

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