Developing a Black Belt Attitude: Patience

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.  Leo Tolstoy

Each week we discuss a Black Belt Attitude topic with the kids in our Warrior Talk. This week will be on Patience. Please pass this on to as many people as you can. Like dropping a pebble in a pond, the ripples can have a significant effect on someone else’s life.

Developing a Black Belt Attitude: Patience

Warrior Patience

Clear and steady, focused and not ruffled by trivia. Will wait and continue to wait. While others are growing weary and drop away, the patient warrior will eventually get what they want. Planning and precise goals with the knowledge that you can and will achieve whatever you want. The patient warrior is not in a rush, they are calm under pressure and work steadily towards a positive outcome. Being patient may mean being still. In stillness all movement can be checked and monitored … calm, patient, still.

Your patience practice for this week.

  • When you feel the old foe of frustration building … take a deep breath.
  • Connect with stillness while waiting in line. Enjoy stopping for a moment.
  • Be present with your children. Get down to their level, look them in the eye and really listen.
  • Be patient with your friends by allowing them to make mistakes. Good friends are worth waiting for.
  • Practice patient awareness with your partner.
  • Slow down and stick to the speed limit. Rush slowly.
  • Most of all be patient with yourself. Forgive yourself for the constant mistakes that we make. We all tend to be too hard on ourselves.

Have patience with all things, but, first of all with yourself. Saint Francis de Sales

Grading this Sunday

Just under a week away now for our next grading. Train hard this week, learn and practice your syllabus. Don’t rush, take a breath and embrace the moment, then give it everything you have.

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